Tuesday, 14 October 2014

"The Way We Were" display

Our theme for Open Day was "The Way We Were 1920s -80s". Here are a few of the treasures club members brought along for a display of handicrafts from those decades and in some cases even earlier.

CF Open Day Exhibition

Here's a sample of the work in our Thames Club Exhibition.

 Anne's delightful dolls                                           Donna's alpaca rug, hand spun, dyed and crocheted

Left, Pauline's felted table centre.

Right, Nola's rug with Donna's knitted and felted teddy bear
 Left Lynne's delicately
needlefelted faintails.

Right, Sheryll's silk and merino child's dress make in one piee

Creative Fibres Open Day - Fibre Fanatics

On right, our president
wearing a stunning jumpsuit.

On left, would you trust this born again hippie to spin and knit for your baby?
Will and Kate did!
 Gael adding to the stash from Kane Carding's felting sliver.

 Joanne with The Little Wool Companies fibres.

Creative Fibres Open Day - Parade

Flapper June
Elegant Casssandra
Creative Fibres Thames celebrated their Open Day with the theme "The Way We Were".  A fabulous selection of garments from 1920s to 1980s were modelled by members and friends to the oohs, aahs and laughter of the audience. Wendy Courtney generously supplied the clothes, some of her collection of over 2000.


 Did you ever see anything like these sleeves?

Below: Paula looking oh so chic and some of our members dressed for the day. From left Margaret, Joanne, Lee aka Kiwianna, and June.