Tuesday, 19 July 2016

Wool and silk scarf eco prints

My scientific training and my love of discovery mean I'm always experimenting. These scarves are 73% silk and 27% wool. The wool component means the images are sharper and the colours tend to be more intense. The scarves are a generous size, 60" by 11".  Soft and snug, wearing one of these is sheer pleasure.

If you are interested in any of these please contact me at lee.bisset @ ihug .co .nz. You'll need to remove the spaces.

There is a view of the entire mauve and green scarf on the previous post. 

Sunday, 17 July 2016

Mercury Bay Art and Craft Fair

My first experiment in marketing was my eco print scarves was at the Mercury Bay Art and Craft Fair. My scarves were admired by many, purchased by some and I learnt heaps especially from my fellow marketers felter Greta and flax weaver Bernie from Whangamata. Thanks very much to both of you for your humour and help.

Bernie and Greta shared their space which made for a more interesting display.